TMZ Studios
Doctor accused of gas pumping Matthew PerryDeadly drug addictions are not a one-off occurrence…they are part of the elaborate, secretive celebrity drug cartels that run rampant in Hollywood.
TMZ Studios has produced a new documentary, “TMZ Investigates Matthew Perry and the Secret Celebrity Drug Ring,” which airs Monday at 9 p.m. ET on FOX and on Hulu on Tuesday.
Celebrities such as Kelly Osbourne Let’s be frank about doctors, they will gladly prescribe to known addicts in order to get close to the stars and make a lot of money in the process. ‘Fool’ star Brandon Novak Talking about how he traded stolen goods for drugs at the doctor’s office.
Dr. Drew Talks about how some of these doctors are downright sociopathic, and discusses the dirty little secret of a network of MDs that often transcends moral boundaries… by a mile.
The documentary exposes a network that also includes various enablers and even rehab centers.
TMZ Studios
“TMZ investigates Matthew Perry and secret celebrity drug ring” airs Mondays at 9pm ET on Fox.