abc news
Joe Biden wasn’t feeling well during the presidential debate with Donald Trump, so he got tested for the coronavirus – he told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.
In a full ABC special on Friday, Stephanopoulos grilled Biden on whether his poor performance in the June 27 debate was just a bad episode or a symptom of a bigger problem that has left the U.S. People worry about his leadership skills.
June 27, 24
Joe insisted it was just a one-off, saying: “I was exhausted. I didn’t listen to my instincts in terms of preparation and – it was a bad night.”
GS notes that Biden spent nearly a week preparing for the debate at Camp David…and asks why he didn’t have enough time to prepare.
Biden told him it was all because he wasn’t feeling well — something we’ve known before, but he elaborated how He felt bad, adding, “I asked them if [the docs] COVID tests were conducted as they tried to find out what was wrong.
He explained, “They did a test to see if I had some kind of virus. I didn’t. I just had a bad cold.”
Biden also criticized his opponent Trump’s performance in the interview, pointing out that he made a lot of false statements. But for his side, Biden seemed to accept responsibility, saying it was no one’s fault but his own.
June 27, 24
As you know…many Democratic donors and party leaders questioned Joe’s mental health after the debate, in which he suffered multiple missteps.
Some even called for him to drop out of the presidential race immediately, but Joe didn’t give in and continued to advance his campaign.