Mindy Kaling Enjoying summer with her three children. The 45-year-old actress and author took to Instagram to share sweet photos and videos of her time in the sun with her daughter Katherine, 6, and son Spencer, 3. 4-month-old daughter Annie.
“Sandy/salty skin/no makeup/chilly perfect waves/lots of sunscreen/scrubbing/staying outside for hours like Independence Day,” Kaling wrote in the post on Thursday.
In a selfie, Kaling is smiling, wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat and a white ribbed swimsuit. She also shared several photos of the older kids playing on the beach together, eating homemade cupcakes and enjoying the ocean.
this office The alum also included a sweet selfie with little Annie, which shows half of the little girl’s face and dark hair. Anne’s little hand also made a cameo, grabbing her mother’s finger, and the two enjoyed the idyllic beach scenery together.
Jialing Surprised fans late last month When she revealed she had secretly welcomed her third child.
“In late February, I gave birth to my daughter Annie. She was the best birthday gift I could have imagined,” Carlin wrote. “When the going gets tough, and whenever I get cynical, my three kids are a wonderful reminder of the pure joy in life. I’m lucky that I live in a place where I can do this on my own, on my own schedule. Thank you all for your birthday wishes!
Karin has chosen to keep the identity of her child’s father secret, having previously described herself as a single parent.
This is the second time Karin welcomes a baby but keeps it a secret from the public. this Mindy Project Star welcome her sonSpencer, fans didn’t even know she was pregnant in September 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic.
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