Dave McKaganResponding to “The Simpsons” name controversy… saying he really doesn’t care, even if they do use his name – but, he still thinks the connection is obvious.
We caught up with the Guns N’ Roses rocker in Los Angeles on Friday and asked him about the OG Simpsons writer-producer Jay Cogan Tell us about the best beer on the show – Duff – Not named after him … Instead, it’s named after the guy who sits on his ass and drinks beer all day.
DM tells us he thinks the show’s creators are excited about what he said… adding that they all took jway’s protest too far.
McKagan says he’s never made the name controversy a big deal…and, here he goes the extra mile – telling us he really doesn’t care if they use his name in the comics.
Of course… we had to ask Duff about the timeline — because The Simpsons creators said they hadn’t heard of the unnamed G’NR Axl Rose The show was produced despite the fact that one of the band’s biggest albums had hit the shelves a few years earlier.
Duff tells people to do their own math here… making it clear that he has a certain opinion on the alleged timeline.
BTW, Duff says The Simpsons won’t take any legal action – and, listening to him… it sounds like the guy really doesn’t care.
So, there’s no big feud between the show and the rock star…although it seems like Duff has his story, and he’s sticking to it!