Couples who have broken up, divorced, or separated often have a lot of wisdom to share about how to build a healthy and happy relationship. They often talk about relationship skills they wish they had learned earlier so they wouldn’t have to go through that pain. Not surprisingly, once the dust settles after a separation, people not only realize the tips they learned to improve their relationship, but they also learn something or more about themselves.
Yes, people already know that they need to spend time on themselves outside of the relationship, but not neglect the relationship too much, and should even allow their partner to spend time on themselves as well without becoming too clingy . Some people also realize that conscious planning rather than leisurely behavior is the way to go.
Not all relationships are perfect. Sometimes they have more ups than downs, and sometimes they have too many ups and downs. Mistakes will be made. Only those who understand that relationships are a constant effort on the road to health and happiness. That doesn’t mean the relationship doesn’t have its bumps in the road. Sometimes, life’s curveballs prove too wicked, and even relationships that seem perfect from an outsider’s perspective have their own bumps to go through. this is life.
It’s also important to understand that no matter what the reason a relationship ends, it’s difficult for both parties no matter who is asked the question. There’s stress, sadness, and probably a lot of sadness. That’s why many people feel the need to look for relationship tips they want to know before jumping into their next or first relationship after a breakup or even before they get into a relationship.
Is there any way to stop relationships from going down a dead end?
People want to get to know each other better, they want to trade arguments for a pep talk, and they want to make a conscious effort to work on the relationship, even if it means trying harder and opting for any form of couples therapy—all before they fall apart. The only wise thing to do is to believe that love has no on-off switch. Relationships are made of so many memories, hopes, and heartaches.
However, if you take care of certain things, you’ll definitely ensure that you build long-term relationships with people you truly like and admire, despite their differences and quirks. You and your loved ones will save you and your loved ones a lot of heartache if you start following a few tips for improving team relationships. This way, your relationship may never hit a dead end.
Let’s explore it.
Relationship skills you wish you knew sooner
Invest the same amount in someone that they invest in you
If someone doesn’t see you as a priority, forget about investing more money in the relationship. Don’t end up being treated as an option when you are as deserving of respect, consistency, and love as they are. Be clear and vocal about your boundaries and core values early on. If any partner tends to disrespect what you have defined and displays behaviors that have different values, they are likely to waste your time. You get what you tolerate and you should always remember this.
communicate as much as possible
Always be brave enough to ask questions and express what you really want. Don’t hesitate to communicate clearly with your partner. This will help you avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. Life is too short to act like you don’t have any feelings. If you don’t share your thoughts and feelings with your partner as clearly as you’d like, you’ll ensure that the two of you are living in different realities.
Never be angry with each other while sleeping
If you have someone who can’t sleep knowing that they did something to hurt you and that they can make amends, you’ll be very lucky. Going to bed angry will only make you wake up angry. Trust me, repeating or continuing old arguments will not make your next day any better! Clear the air between you before bed so you wake up comfortable the next day and your next day will start off better.
Remember, it’s never too late to take back control
If you have to question your partner’s behavior for you, you’re probably being treated poorly. Always remember that the greatest act of self-love is to let go of bad treatment, even if it means breaking your own heart. You deserve better. There are always better options. Being in a relationship where you are treated badly is not an environment you want to live in.
put in some effort
Sometimes, loving someone is not enough to sustain a relationship. Even if you love someone deeply and feel it with every inch of your body, that’s not always enough to build a lasting relationship. Mutual respect and a shared view of standards and core values must be an integral part of the relationship. It has to be more than a feeling – it has to be a choice you make every day.
Sometimes give 90%
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always give 100% effort in your relationship. It is recommended that two people always think about giving 90% to each other, so that they will both be happy. This means it’s important to consider your partner’s feelings, stand in their shoes, give and compromise, and be emotionally generous.
However, 10% is about understanding that it’s perfectly okay to be a little selfish sometimes and put your own needs first. Sometimes it’s okay to stand up for something. Always remember that giving 90% only works if you both give the same amount.
As time goes on in a relationship, women will definitely consider a man’s needs and feelings most of the time. They will definitely try to compromise. In return, men only consider 90% of women’s feelings.
Giving 90% usually means that sometimes you can give up some things, but most of the time you should both get what you want, and both parties should feel equally loved, supported, and feel like they’re in each other’s corner. Don’t be afraid to give, because when there is love, the other person must really have your best interests at heart. Usually you will agree on what you both want. When you don’t, you tend to take turns supporting each other’s needs.
Take responsibility for your own happiness
This will be a bit long. No one seems to understand this, but trusting your happiness to someone else is not recommended. Is it your partner’s job to make you happy? no, it is not. It’s certainly easier to feel good when your partner behaves the way you want. But it’s your job and your responsibility to make yourself happy.
Needing your partner to feel good in a certain way is a form of bondage. Thinking that your partner is always in a good mood and always paying affectionate attention to you is unlikely to be sustainable long-term. However, in the initial stages of a relationship, this may be possible.
Therefore, in any situation or relationship, it’s best to be responsible for your happiness and them for theirs. You should both intentionally focus on the things that make you feel good about each other’s lives and the things you appreciate about each other.
Look at it this way – if you’re constantly looking for others to complete you, or vice versa, you’ll be constantly heading in the wrong direction for the lasting happiness, wholeness, and contentment you’re truly seeking. It would be better if we could all find a way to feel the way we want to feel, no matter what our partners say or do.
Truth be told, many couples say this specific advice changed every other relationship in their lives, not just romantic ones. Before couples hear this advice, they are inadvertently making each other responsible for their own happiness. Once they understand this, and they learn how to be consistent with it, their entire world shifts. They are then free to choose if and when to spend time with others and make the conscious choice to spend time with others who also have this ability.
Their relationship becomes more meaningful, more loving, freer, and most importantly, more fun than ever. Additionally, their overall happiness continued to grow regardless of whether they were in a relationship or not.
Stop holding each other back
In any relationship, there is no need to set boundaries for each other. If someone treats you badly, you can’t change their behavior. However, you can ask yourself why you accepted it and how to set boundaries for yourself so that you don’t accept it again.
This will make you take more responsibility for your role in the toxic relationship. Instead of feeling like a victim of a situation, you will feel empowered to say no to bad treatment and choose another person.
They say life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe that you are unworthy of happiness, love, prosperity and affection, then this is what the universe will give you in return.
Learn skills together and grow together
When life gets crazy, collaboration is important. By collaboration, we mean that you should learn some skills together and grow together. Learning a skill as a team will bring you closer than ever. Cooking, cleaning, and dancing are considered some fun couple activities that can rekindle the spark in your relationship. Indeed, when life gets overwhelming, we often fail to bring much to our relationships.
You might skip a movie you decided to watch together, dance together, get some work done together, or you might barely kiss your partner before bed because you’re too tired. But it is recommended that you take the time to learn a skill from each other. For example, dancing is considered a skill that keeps you active, boosts your confidence, and brings you closer to your partner.
One should consider a pas de deux like bachata. Dance Incubation offers a free video series where you’ll learn how to move your body in 3 everyday situations. It’s fun and a very different way for you to really incorporate dance into your daily life without having to take classes, spend a lot of time or even leave the house.
Finally, prioritize intimacy
Intimacy is more than physical contact. It is also important to increase intimacy through other means. What we mean by intimacy is physical contact that comes from nonverbal communication—genuine eye contact, mutual smiles, etc.
These gestures can remind your partner that you are together, that you chose them, and that you are glad you did. If increasing this intimacy on your own doesn’t cause them to do the same, many couples admit that it’s time to consider seeing a couples therapist who can help you address the underlying issues.
give it to you!
Finally, always assume the best. Whether you’re an optimist or not, chances are, nine times out of ten (if not all ten), your partner has no intention of upsetting you. Always try to sleep with this thought.