TMZ Studios
Matthew Perry Relying on doctors to fuel his addiction turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg.
TMZ Studios has unveiled a new documentary, “TMZ Investigates Matthew Perry and the Secret Celebrity Drug Ring,” which airs today (Tuesday) on Hulu.
Many celebrities, including Kelly Osbournetalks about how it became common knowledge in Hollywood that doctors provide celebrities with specific medications. In Kelly’s case, she was able to get Vicodin and oxygen from multiple Hollywood doctors. Get this…she was 13 and the doctors never told her parents what they were prescribing for their daughter.
It got worse…Kelly would go to the pharmacy to fill prescriptions without his parents present…we’re talking about a 13 year old getting hard-to-addict drugs from the pharmacy – no questions asked.
This documentary explores how doctors, promoters and even rehab centers turn celebrities into addicts… sometimes with fatal consequences.
TMZ Studios
TMZ Investigates Matthew Perry and the Secret Celebrity Drug Ring airs today, Tuesday gourd.