Although exams are stressful, they are also very meaningful. That feeling when you walk out of the exam room, take a deep breath, and know that you just successfully conquered that level of training! Sometimes you’ll feel relieved that it’s over, sometimes you’ll feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, and sometimes you might feel disappointed if you feel like you weren’t good enough or prepared enough.
But how can you best prepare for your next exam and make the most of the experience with less fear and more fun?
Dance Informa spoke to two renowned Australian examiners for their advice.
It goes without saying that to be fully prepared, you need to know your job and be diligent in taking classes and practicing at home.
“The most important aspects of going into the exam room are preparation, practice and confidence,” says conducting dance examiner Lauren Downie. “Constant practice will increase your chances of performing at your best, allowing you to perform your work with precision. The goal is to understand your work well enough that the steps become second nature and flow naturally, without having to think about what comes next. The more you rehearse, the more confident you will be, which will improve your performance.
It is also important not only to complete drills and exercises but also to actually rehearse the exam process through mock exams.
“Before taking any dance/ballet exams, it is important to have a thorough exam rehearsal with your teacher and take several exams in a preparatory course to build endurance, confidence and performance,” Royal Academy Advice Dance (RAD) Examiner Jane Inge Jane Inglis-Keen.
Be confident in the work you’ve done.
“Every time you enter the exam room, you should enter the exam room with confidence knowing that you will perform to the best of your ability. Rest assured that you have invested your time and effort and invested a lot of time in perfecting your work, so Now is the time to believe in yourself and act like no one is watching,” Downey said. “The hard work is done, now it’s your time to shine. As an examiner, I feel honored to see every student perform for me that day.
Pack for success.
What’s in your dance bag on exam day? Having an organized dance bag can help reduce your overall stress. Make sure you have some new ones Tights and a spare pair in the bag in case of ladder use. Clean your shoes and/or buy new ones and allow enough time to wear them for a while so they become comfortable.
Capezio’s Bunhead products can be a lifesaver in your dance bag, including hairnets and hair clips made specifically for dancers. Extra heavy bobby pins are a must-have to keep your bun in place while you twirl it around.
Be sure to bring a drink bottle and some healthy, light, brain-boosting snacks like blueberries.
What do you wear under your studio uniform or exam clothes? Choosing a high-quality, well-made foundation that suits your skin tone can have a huge impact on your overall professional look and confidence. Capezio has a range of supportive underwear and body stockings designed specifically for dancers, with skin tones that are soft, smooth, discreet and comfortable.
Positive attitude
Remember, examiners have sat exams many, many times themselves and they know about being nervous and making mistakes, so don’t let that derail you. Take a deep breath, step inside, and get ready to shine.
“It’s very important to maintain a positive attitude during the exam. The examiner really wants you to give your best!” Inglis Keane explains.
In the run-up to exams, as practice becomes more strenuous and nerve-wracking, it’s easy to forget why you love dancing. In the days leading up to your next exam, be sure to take the time to watch videos of some of the world’s leading companies and professional dancers. Think about what was beautiful, bold, and inspiring about their performances. Ask your dance teacher who their favorite dancers past and present are and find them on YouTube. Better yet, try going to a show. Watching other dancers perform can rekindle our passion for dance and remind us why we work so hard. Examiners like to see the sparkle in your eyes.
Prepare for your next exam!