Last night, I had a date that started off well. We met at a beautiful bar in Brooklyn and ordered a great cheese plate and two drinks. But when my wine arrived, you guys, it was… natural.
Of course, I realize natural wine is cool now. New York Magazine called it a “wine list must-have.” Bon Appetit describes natural wine culture as “fun, unfussy, and a little tipsy.” A New York Times writer declared: “Natural wine is my self-care.”
So, what am I missing? I want to be cool! That’s what wine is sour. Last night, my drink tasted like my kids set up a lemonade stand and then left the container in the refrigerator for weeks until I took an unsuspecting sip. To be fair, my flavor grew throughout the evening, but not as much as the uncool plain old wine I’ve been enjoying my entire adult life, is that too much to ask?
a person who Do It was my dad who understood. When he came to visit last Thanksgiving, I poured him a glass of natural wine that a guest had brought. “Try this,” I told him, curious what he would think. What was his first reaction? He spit it down the sink and instead of saying “well, not for me” or “I think I’d prefer someone else”, he looked at me with panic in his eyes and asked, “Why would they do that.”
Jack Cornell always makes me laugh when he gushes about natural wine.
so! Just to have some fun on this sweltering Wednesday, let me know: is there anything popular that you’re not getting? Mustache? Share food? True love? (To be clear, I really enjoyed this bar, and my date was super cute herself!)
PS Other controversies: putting ice in your wine and not saying goodbye at parties.
(Above photo by Lucas Ottone/Stocksy.)