Nikki and Bree Garcia Says the restaurant business got them ready for the ring…claims they learned all about confidence while waving their wings for the man-favorite Hooters!
The two retired WWE stars, known as the “Bella Twins” during their time in the ring, opened up about their experiences working at the restaurant in an interview with “The Bella Twins.” new york post …and, they swear it taught them some valuable wrestling listening.
Bree said working in San Diego restaurants gave them the confidence to go up and chat with customers … and they quickly became cheeky about some of the more vulgar comments.
Brie adds that all men want to go crazy with waiters, so they have to learn to keep waiters in line… which is another helpful listen about life on the top rope.
As for how they earn the extra tip…the Garcias say the trick is in the restaurant’s name — and it turns out the “cleavage” caused dissatisfaction among customers and soaring tips.
Nikki said hula hoops and “YMCA” dances have also proven popular with customers… and the sport can bring in extra revenue.
Brie and Nikki have won multiple WWE Divas Championships and were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2020… so being with the Hooters was obviously the right choice.
Maybe the chain needs to start training wrestlers… “Owl Heels” wouldn’t be a bad idea!