Omarosa Exploding Donald Trump Shamelessly claiming that illegal immigration is taking away “black jobs” … and saying he owes voters some explanation of what he means.
Trump’s former “Apprentice” ally tells TMZ…his comments in the debate about “black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs” were completely insane. Like millions of people watching Thursday night, she said she wondered what exactly those terms meant to the former president.
In Omarosa’s case, the only black job she remembers in America was slavery… which leads her to think Trump may have let some racism slip through by pushing slavery back 400 years.
Remember, one of the highlights of Thursday’s debate was Trump’s rant about illegal immigrants taking away jobs… but, in true Trump style, his rhetoric around the topic pissed off a lot of people. Although his supporters will say he is just pandering to his own base.
Omarosa didn’t mince words, however, calling Trump a racist … and citing some old reports about his failed casino recruiting practices as evidence.
Of course, she has a long history of working with Trump — from “The Apprentice” to the White House — and knows him well.
Whatever Trump means, Omarosa said African-American and Hispanic voters are not a monolith … and everyone should vote for the candidate that best suits their individual needs.
Still, she hopes Trump can clear up the confusion here… or at least have someone on his campaign staff set the record straight.
As for the debate as a whole, Omarosa said Trump is showing signs of mental decline and neurological problems… something she believes people will forget when they focus on Biden’s age and intelligence.
In terms of style alone, Omarosa is Leave this round to Trump … But in terms of substance, she said Biden is the clear winner.
Omarosa has a lot to say here… and she tells us who she’s voting for in November and why.