A Michael Jackson Imposter celebrates Jordan’s life by getting close to his family – Meet Janet Jackson Shortly before the 15th anniversary of his death…but it took a huge toll.
Carlo RileyThe Michael Jordan tribute artist told TMZ … he finally met Michael’s sister after a concert last weekend. Janet had just performed in St. Louis, and Carlo was in the show.
He said he also decided to pay an extra $2,000 for a meet-and-greet with Janet after the concert.
Carlo said he’d been to Janet’s concerts in the past and she’d pointed him out in the crowd…but this was the first time they’d met face-to-face and he said she smiled when he thanked her for her great performance.
They took a photo and had a very quick exchange – another mark on Carlo Jackson’s belt. He had previously worked with prince, Paris, Catherine, Joseph, Jermaine, Tito, Malone and Jackie.
Cool…but Janet’s experience still ranks second to Carlo meeting Michael in person in Japan. It was at Thriller’s 25th anniversary party in 2007.
Tuesday marks the anniversary of Michael’s death, and Carlo said when he saw Janet was about to perform a few days ago, he thought it would be a great way to celebrate Michael’s legacy.
Riley said Janet didn’t mention her brother’s death during the show, but she did sing “Scream”… her 1995 song with the King of Pop.