About ten years ago I shared my friend Sharon’s theory…
“Every adult has an age of children that they’re particularly good with,” she said—and I still I’ve been thinking about this question. My friend Gemma loved holding her newborn baby, and I always think about those difficult early days and feel a pang of depression. I love quirky three- and four-year-olds who have magical thinking and almost Correct word choice (Toby used to say “masimoto” instead of motorcycle), but Alex told me he preferred his preteen years because you could have deeper conversations and watch movies Both Like (I don’t object!).
Here are a few photos of three and four year olds:
I cut the boys’ hair myself and they still Looks as sweet as pie.
Anton just told me, “Peonies are my favorite flower, of all types.”
Toby wasn’t allowed to get pretzels from the pretzel truck. I wish I could go back in time and buy him one!
Look at his eyes, haha.
The perfect Sunday itinerary, no notes needed.
When I had a cold, the boys cheered me up.
And you? Is there a particular age group you like? Or looking forward to it? I’m curious…
PS What’s something that surprises me about preteens?