Bhumi B Patel (Photo: Lydia Daniller)
A Brown-skinned dancer Bhumi B Patel has long black hair and wears a black V-neck shirt. He smiles brightly, narrows his eyes and looks directly at the camera.
(Photo: Robbie Sweeney) |
A brown dancer named Bhumi B Patel sits on a chair surrounded by onlookers in a half circle in a dance studio with gray marley floors , white ceiling with brown beams. The sun shines in through the window, and the dancer squats on the ground in total darkness, with her hands flat on the floor in front of her.
listen Bhumi B. Patel: The world needs queer people in my body and soul podcast here.
Bhumi B.Patel Director of pateldanceworks, is a queer, desi, home seeker, sci-fi choreographer, movement artist, and writer. She has performed her choreography in the Bay Area, Manoa (Hawaii), Los Angeles, New York, and Columbus (Ohio). Bhumi is a 2022-2023 Dance/USA Fellow and a 2023 YBCA 100 Honoree. She has spoken at the Dance Studies Association, the Popular Culture Association, the National Women’s Studies Association, and the Asia Pacific Dance Festival, and has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, Contact Quarterly, and InDance. Her research into queer decoloniality and improvisation intersects with her performance art as a way to trace deep connections between past, present and future to build nurturing and caring communities.