After my marriage ended and I started thinking about dating again, I read an article by Colleen Crivello in which she claimed that people in their late 30s, 40s, and older “are significantly worse in bed. better”. Pretty convincing, right? Now, after dating for the past five months… I guess I agree? (you?)
For example, one night a cute guy came home to my house after dinner. It was our second date and we talked, listened to music, and made out like teenagers. At midnight, I walked him to the door. He said good night, then gently but firmly pushed me against the hall closet and gave me the kiss of a lifetime. Like, atoning vibes, y’all.
I’ve always liked to take things slowly in relationships – I’d rather not sleep with someone before I feel completely ready and enjoy the early tension, which is a fun part of dating, don’t you think? I’m happy to report that I got zero resistance. Instead, people responded with sweet responses like “No rush at all” and “Your rhythm is my rhythm.”
A funny moment: While making out with a sweet dad we both really enjoyed; he stopped, looked at me and said, “I know we’re going slow, and I totally agree, but only To play devil’s advocate…” and we all laughed. I started laughing just typing this. After a few years of personal life hardships, dating now feels so fun and energizing.
so! The other day, a prompt came up on Instagram: “Name 5 quick topics you can talk about for 30 minutes.” (What would you choose?) My responses included “makeout songs,” and a few people asked for recommendations. Today I’ve put together a make out playlist if you want to give it a try.
idea? What would you add? I’d love to hear it! XOXO
PS My Sex Mixtape, Is This the Sexiest Podcast?
(Photo: BONNNINSTUDIO/Stocksy.)